
libldap package

libldap is libldap Python binding. Following objects are exposed.


This class has following LDAP operation methods.


LDAP constructor receives uri parameter.

>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')

You can specify uri parameter with list type:

>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP(['ldap://', 'ldap://localhost/'])

LDAP class supports context manager. You can write your code like this:

>>> from libldap import LDAP, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE
>>> with LDAP('ldap://localhost') as ld:
...   ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
...'dc=example,dc=com', LDAP_SCOPE_BASE)

If LDAP constructor receives bind_user and bind_password parameters when you use context manager, LDAP instance executes bind() method automatically. Otherwise LDAP instance is still anonymous.

>>> from libldap import LDAP, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE
>>> with LDAP('ldap://localhost', 'cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret') as ld:
...'dc=example,dc=com', LDAP_SCOPE_BASE)

After closing with statement, LDAP instance executes unbind() method.

You can specify LDAPS uri. This initiate TLS processing on an LDAP session.

>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldaps://localhost')


This is the method for LDAP bind operation. If you do not use this method, the relative LDAP instance will operate anonymously.

For example:

>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')

This method supports asynchronous operation by passing async=True parameter. Asynchronous operation returns message ID. You can use it like this:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> msgid = ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret', async=True)
>>> result = ld.result(msgid)
{'error_message': None,
 'message': 'Invalid credentials',
 'referrals': [],
 'return_code': 49}

If LDAP server has ppolicy overlay, you can set LDAP_CONTROL_PASSWORDPOLICYREQUEST control like this:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> c = LDAPControl()
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> msgid = ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret', controls=c, async=True)
>>> result = ld.result(msgid, controls=c)
>>> pprint(result)
{'error_message': None,
 'message': 'Invalid credentials',
 'ppolicy_expire': -1,
 'ppolicy_grace': -1,
 'ppolicy_msg': 'Account locked',
 'referrals': [],
 'return_code': 49}


This is the method for LDAP unbind operation. This terminates the current association, and free the resources.

>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
>>> ld.unbind()


This is the method for LDAP add operation. This method requires dn and LDAP attributes parameters. LDAP attributes type is [(str, [str])].

Following is LDIF entry that we want to add.

dn: cn=group1,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: top
objectClass: posixGroup
cn: group1
gidNumber: 100
description Test Group 1

If you add above entry, convert into following Python code.

    ('objectClass', ['top', 'posixGroup']),
    ('cn', ['group1']),
    ('gidNumber', ['100']),
    ('description', ['Test Group 1']),


>>> from libldap import LDAP, LDAP_SCOPE_SUB
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
>>> ld.add('cn=group1,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', [
...     ('objectClass', ['top', 'posixGroup']),
...     ('cn', ['group1']),
...     ('gidNumber', ['100']),
...     ('description', ['Test Group 1']),
... ])


This is the method for LDAP modify operation. This method requires dn and changes parameters. Changes type is [(str, [str], int)].

Following is LDIF entry that we want to modify.

dn: cn=group1,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com
changetype: modify
add: memberUid
memberUid: user1
replace: description
description: Test Group One

If you modify above entry, convert into following Python code.

    ('memberUid', ['user1'], LDAP_MOD_ADD),
    ('description', ['Test Group One'], LDAP_MOD_REPLACE),


>>> from libldap import LDAP, LDAP_MOD_ADD, LDAP_MOD_REPLACE
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
>>> ld.modify('cn=group1,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', [
...     ('memberUid', ['user1'], LDAP_MOD_ADD),
...     ('description', ['Test Group One'], LDAP_MOD_REPLACE),
... ])


This is the method for LDAP delete operation. This method requires dn parameter.


>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
>>> ld.delete('cn=group1,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com')


This is the method for LDAP rename operation. This method requires dn and newrdn parameters. newparent and deleteoldrdn are optional parameters. if newparent parameter is None, newparent is same suffix with dn parameter.


>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
>>> ld.rename('uid=test-user,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com', 'cn=test-user')


If deleteoldrdn is True, old RDN attribute will be deleted. This may cause ‘Object class violation (65)’ Exception. Default deleteoldrdn value is False.


This is the method for LDAP compare operation. This method requires dn, attribute and value parameters. It returns boolean, specified attribute description and value to compare to those found in the entry or not.


>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
>>>'cn=group1,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', 'description', 'Test Group 1')


This is the method for LDAP whoami extended operation. If LDAP instance executes whoami() before binding, ‘anonymous’ string value is returned.


>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
>>> ld.whoami()


This is the method for LDAP passwd extended operation. This method requires user parameter. oldpw and newpw parameters are optional. If oldpw is None, authentication will be skipped. If newpw is None, random password will be set.

Passwd method returns new password if succeeded.

>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
>>> ld.passwd('uid=user3,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com')
>>> ld.passwd('uid=user3,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com', 'VWE4zPvT')
>>> ld.passwd('uid=user3,ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com', 'invalid')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/kamei/git/python-libldap/test-stage/libldap/", line 624, in passwd
    raise LDAPError(**result)
libldap.core.LDAPError: Server is unwilling to perform (53)


This is used to initiate TLS processing on an LDAP session. This sends StartTLS request to a server.

>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.start_tls()


This is used to set LDAP options to LDAP session or global settings. This method requires option and value parameters. is_global specifies option is set globally or not. LDAP sessions inherit their default settings from the global options in effect at the time the handle is created.

Available option parameters are defined in ldap.constants.LDAP.set_option

>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.set_option(LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_TRY, is_global=True)


This is used to get LDAP options of LDAP session or global settings. This method requires option parameter. You can get global settings option by specifying is_global parameter.

Available option parameters are defined in ldap.constants.LDAP.get_option

>>> from libldap import LDAP, LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.get_option(LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, is_global=True)


This is used to send a LDAP Abandon request for an operation in progress.


This is used to wait for and return the result of an operation previously initiated by one of the LDAP asynchronous operation.

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> from libldap import LDAP
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> msgid = ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret', async=True)
>>> result = ld.result(msgid)
{'error_message': None,
 'message': 'Invalid credentials',
 'referrals': [],
 'return_code': 49}


You can LDAP control extension by using this class.

For example:

>>> from libldap import LDAP, LDAPControl, LDAP_CONTROL_RELAX
>>> c = LDAPControl()
>>> c.add_control(LDAP_CONTROL_RELAX)
>>> ld = LDAP('ldap://localhost')
>>> ld.bind('cn=master,dc=example,dc=com', 'secret')
>>> ld.modify('cn=test,dc=example,dc=com',
...           [('pwdAccountLockedTime', [], LDAP_MOD_DELETE)], controls=c)